
OPMW Pluton Hot Battle! Fierce Battle! Super Intense Battle 1 Guide



Hot Battle! Fierce Battle! Super Intense Battle! is the hardest content in the game as it can not be outscaled with gear. You can use any hero you currently own to start this challenge in One Punch Man: World, but you will be provided a completely normalized version of the character. The first is the Pluton Hot Battle, a giant stitched together Pig like boss. It is also the hardest of the 3 Hot Battle! Fierce Battle! Super Intense Battle! currently in OPM: World. We will go over the complete guide below, also be sure to check out our guides for the Ancient King Hot Battle and Sky King Hot Battle.

Pluton Hot Battle Guide Phase 1

The Pluton Hot Battle in One Punch Man: World is split into 3 phases. We’ll go over his moves in Phase 1 first.

3 Attack Combo

Pluton starts out the Hot Battle by using 2 sweeping attacks followed immediately by a stab with his fork. If you play a class that relies on counterattacks then you should use it on the final attack. Trying to counter on the first two attacks will often result in being hit. Just dodge Plutons attacks otherwise.

Spinning Attack

The boss will spin hitting everything in a 180 degree area around him. Just dodge or counter this, or even use an ability that places you behind him. For instance Genos, Cyborg of Justice’s first ability or Triple Staff Lily’s first ability as seen in the Pluton Hot Battle Youtube Guide.

Pluton Butt Slam

We never got to see much of Pluton’s moveset in One Punch Man as he was quickly killed in one punch, but he has some quirky moves. You will know this ability is coming when Pluton spins 360 degree and inhales, he will follow this up by jumping in the air and landing on his butt. Immediately after this 3 rocks will fall from the sky. I would reccommend dodging into him as he slams the ground to use your immunity frame to avoid damage, or use a perfect parry on other hero types. Then be ready to dodge again if a rock spawns under you.

AoE Ring Attack

You can tell this ability is about to start when Pluton plants his knife in the ground then picks up his fork with both hands and prepares to slam it into the ground. When this happens a ring will radiate out from him. Dodge away from the boss to make it easy as he picks up his fork, then dodge back over the ring and start attacking him again. You can see this in the video below.

Overhead 2 Attack Combo

Pluton will raise his knife over his head and slam it towards the player then a couple seconds later he will do a poke attack with his fork. Use perfect dodge counters on the second attack in this combo to be safe. Getting hit in this phase of the Pluton Hot Battle can spell disaster as the fight gets harder and taking unnecessary damage can make your chances of defeating Pluton much lower.

Pluton Hot Battle Phase 2 Guide

Phase 2 starts when around when you break his 15th life bar. He will briefly glow red before slamming his knife into the ground. Then summon 2 Fire Tornados which twirl around the room. Let the Tornados circle around then dodge through them and attack the boss. Be aware that he will do his charge very soon.

Charge Attack

Pluton will pull both his weapons back and prepare to charge at high speed. As soon as he finishes his charge he will jump into the air and slam his weapon into the ground twice causing a damage line attack at the players position. Dodge both of these. Next he will do a poke attack so dodge that as well.

Same 2 Attack Combo as in Phase 1

This is the same attack as in the Overhead 2 Attack Combo from Pluton Hot Battle Phase 1. Just dodge them or perfect counter the second attack.

Big Combo

Pluton does a series of two spin attacks, then 3 sweep attacks, then slams his fork for a big area of effect attack. Just do your best to dodge all of the attacks, it’s hard to not get hit here which is why you don’t want to take damage in early phases.

Pluton Loves his Combo Attacks in Hot Battle

The boss will do a slam then a sweep attack, then roll around before attempting to jump on the player with a slam attack. Just dodge the attacks then counter the slam or just dodge all of it if you want to be safe. There are better times to dps during the Pluton Hot Battle.

Slow Charge

Pluton will low charge in the direction of the player swiping his weapons in front of him. After he moves close to the other side of the arena he will throw a rock at the player. Just dodge out of the way or use an ability that jumps or teleports over him.

Rock Throw

Pluton lifts a chunk of rock out of the ground with his fork and throws it at the player. This ability is very slow and easy to dodge. He really doesn’t even aim it at the player, it’s completely pointless.

Pluton Hot Battle Phase 3 – The Final Burn

Phase 3 of the Hot Battle! Fierce Battle! Super Intense Battle! Seems to start at random times, usually when he has between 5-8 bars left. He will move to the center of the room and suck everything in with a big whirlwind. Just run against the outside edge of the arena. After Pluton finishes sucking he will have a shield that you have to break.

Same Attacks As Phase 1

Pluton just does the same attacks as Phase 1 the only difference is while the shield is up rocks will constantly fall from the sky which deal big damage. Just be safe and take his shield down, once that happens the fight is essentially over. It’s just phase 1 again and you will probably have an ultimate coming up.

Conclusion – Pluton is an Amazing Fight Especially for a Mobile Game

In the heart-pounding realm of gaming, where each battle could be your last, mastering the Pluton Hot Battle in the Hot Battle! Fierce Battle! Super Intense Battle! series stands as a pinnacle challenge for dedicated players. The boss Pluton, a formidable adversary, requires a blend of precision, strategy, and quick reflexes to overcome. This guide dives deep into the tactics needed to navigate the treacherous waters of this encounter, ensuring your victory against Pluton becomes more than just a fleeting possibility.

The Pluton Hot Battle is not for the faint-hearted. With Pluton’s aggressive assault pattern, players must be on constant alert. The key to survival lies in understanding and anticipating Pluton’s deadly knife and fork combo. Initially, Pluton will raise his knife in a menacing overhead attack, a precursor to the more dangerous poke attack with his fork. The brief interlude between these attacks is your golden window for a perfect dodge counter, especially crucial during the second strike. This maneuver is not just about evasion; it’s about setting the stage for a counterattack, turning the tide of the Pluton Hot Battle in your favor.

Success in the Pluton Hot Battle demands more than just defensive play; it’s about capitalizing on every opportunity to counterattack. Each phase of the battle with Pluton is a step closer to victory or defeat. Unnecessary damage is not just a setback; it’s a compounding obstacle that makes the Pluton Hot Battle exponentially harder. This guide is designed to arm you with the strategies needed to navigate the complexities of the Pluton Hot Battle, enhancing your gameplay experience in the Hot Battle! Fierce Battle! Super Intense Battle! series.

Engaging with Pluton in this high-stakes combat scenario is a test of both skill and strategy. By mastering the dodge and counterattack techniques outlined in this guide, players can significantly increase their chances of triumphing over Pluton. Remember, in the Pluton Hot Battle, every move counts, and victory favors the prepared.


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